Friday, June 15, 2018

SwaggerUI passing parameters

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I have a swagger.json defined like this:

"/API/GetTieredInventory": {         "post": {             "summary": "Get Tiered inventory from ID",             "description": "Gets Tiered inventory for passed ID/IC combination",             "produces": [                 "application/json"             ],             "parameters": [                 {                     "name": "id",                     "in": "path",                     "description": "ID to retrieve Tiered inventory for",                     "required": true,                     "type": "string"                 },                 {                     "name": "ic",                     "in": "path",                     "description": "IC to retrieve Tiered inventory for",                     "required": true,                     "type": "string"                 }             ],             "responses": {                 "200": {                     "description": "successful operation"                 },                 "500": {                     "description": "Internal error"                 }             }         }     } }, 

Now, my API takes the parameters like this:

private function GetTieredInventory() {     if($this->get_request_method() != "POST"){         $this->response('Error code 405, Method not allowed.',405);     }     if(is_array($this->_request['ic'])) {         $v = array();                foreach($this->_request['ic'] as $i) {             $v[] = "'".$i."'";         }         $ic=html_entity_decode(implode(',', $v ));     } else {         $ic = "'".$this->_request['ic']."'";     }     $id=pg_escape_string($this->_request['id']);      <SNIP DB CODE>      try      {                $results = pg_query($sql);         if(pg_num_rows($results) == 0) {             $rows = [];         }         else         {             $data = pg_fetch_all($results);             foreach($data as $item)             {                                     $rows[$item["ic"]][] = $item;             }         }         pg_free_result($results);     }     catch (Exception $e)      {         $err = array("message"=>$e->getMessage(), "code"=> $e->getCode(), "error"=>$e->__toString().",\n".print_r($_REQUEST, true));         $this->response($this->toJSON($err),500);     }     echo json_encode($rows); } 

It doesn't matter what the in value is, I still get a
Notice: Undefined index: ic and Notice: Undefined index: id error returned.

I have tried all three of these for both parameters:

"in": "path", "in": "query", "in": "body", 

This is how the api is called in my service:

$fields = array(     'id' => $this->compId,     'ic'    => $ic );  $fields_string = http_build_query($fields);  $url = "/API/GetTieredInventory"; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST, count($fields)); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields_string); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $response = curl_exec($ch); 

changed the parameters definition like this because ic can be an array of values:

"parameters": [     {         "name": "id",         "in": "body",         "description": "ID to retrieve Tiered inventory for",         "required": true,         "type": "string"     },     {         "name": "ic",         "in": "body",         "schema": {             "type": "array",             "items": {                 "type": "string",                 "style": "form"             }         },         "description": "Interchange to retrieve Tiered inventory for",         "required": true     } ], 

But still same errors...:-(

1 Answers

Answers 1

Changing the parameters to this made it work. I am using OAS 2.0

"parameters": [     {         "name": "id",         "in": "formData",         "description": "ID to retrieve Tiered inventory for",         "required": true,         "type": "string"     },     {         "name": "ic",         "in": "formData",         "description": "IC to retrieve Tiered inventory for",         "required": true,         "type": "string"     } ], 
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