Friday, June 29, 2018

why my widget broadcast receiver service stops when the main app stops

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I have a widget that implements a specific broadcast receiver service to detect when the wifi connection goes down.

It works perfectly if the main activity is running or not.

The issue I have is when I stop the main activity then the broadcast receiver service stops as I don't detect anymore the wifi changes.

Is there a way to startservice that survives the main activity?

if not, any other mechanisms?

2 Answers

Answers 1

Probably you need to register your receiver in manifest and mark it as exported=true, so it can work if the app is not running. Check this link for detailed info please

Answers 2

Why have I been down voted?

I've found a workaround: Broadcast Receivers started in an alarm manager are not stopped (when the main activity stops) in O. So I start an AM with a high repeatin interval.

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