Thursday, August 9, 2018

Combining color hex blending algorithm with standard CMYK colored buttons

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I am trying to blend any combination of colors using colored buttons which output a specific hex number in combination with a slider bar from bootstrap that allows the user to indicate the percentage of color they want to use.

I couldn't get the slider to properly run and I'm not sure why.

I do need some help combining the pieces of code into a working algorithm that I can use for my art class. The full code can be found here:

//Hex blending algorithm var mix = function(color_1, color_2, weight) {   function d2h(d) { return d.toString(16); }  // convert a decimal value to hex   function h2d(h) { return parseInt(h, 16); } // convert a hex value to decimal     weight = (typeof(weight) !== 'undefined') ? weight : 50; // set the weight to 50%, if that argument is omitted    var color = "#";    for(var i = 0; i <= 5; i += 2) { // loop through each of the 3 hex pairs—red, green, and blue     var v1 = h2d(color_1.substr(i, 2)), // extract the current pairs         v2 = h2d(color_2.substr(i, 2)),          // combine the current pairs from each source color, according to the specified weight         val = d2h(Math.floor(v2 + (v1 - v2) * (weight / 100.0)));       while(val.length < 2) { val = '0' + val; } // prepend a '0' if val results in a single digit      color += val; // concatenate val to our new color string   }    return color; // PROFIT!   };  //buttons  <button class="Yellow" onclick="mix('#ffff00')">Yellow</button>  <button class="Magenta" onclick="mix('#D9017A')">Magenta</button>  <button class="Cyan" onclick="mix('#009FDF')">Cyan</button>  <button class="Black" onclick="mix('#2D2926')">Black</button>  <button class="Orange021" onclick="mix('#FE5000')">Orange</button>  //slider bar <input id="ex1" data-slider-id='ex1Slider' type="text" data-slider-min="0" data-slider-max="20" data-slider-step="1" data-slider-value="14"/>  var slider = new Slider('#ex1', {     formatter: function(value) {         return 'Current value: ' + value;     } }); 

1 Answers

Answers 1

This just solves the mechanics I think you want (run and save the slider value properly), and it could be used as starter point. This doesn't solve the formula of any combination of colors as you want.

  • Create an object based in the buttons with all percentages (0 default) like { Yellow: 0, Magenta: 0, Cyan: 0, Black: 0 }
  • Add an event listener to each button .click (jquery) or .addEventListener (pure js)
  • In the callback of each button, save the color and percentage into the object, like colorPercentages[colors[i].getAttribute("id")] = $("#ex1").val(); where $("#ex1").val() is the slider's value.
  • Draw the color based in some formula, like $("body").css('background-color', 'rgb(' + r + ', ' + g + ', ' + b + ')');

In this case I've used this formula:

Red = 255 x ( 1 - Cyan / 100 ) x ( 1 - Black / 100 )

Green = 255 x ( 1 - Magenta / 100 ) x ( 1 - Black / 100 )

Blue = 255 x ( 1 - Yellow / 100 ) x ( 1 - Black / 100 )

Here a full functional example based on @barbsan modifications:

That example is using the color button click event, but you could use the inverse logic as well, changing the color when user moves the slider with something like:

$("#ex1").slider().on('slideStop', function(ev){     //code }); 

As I understand, a blending algorithm it's pretty difficult to achieve, this question and the answers give some good approaches: Mixing two colors "naturally" in javascript, but you still need to mix n colors, not just 2, which is even more complex. Fortunately it seems to be not impossible.

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