Friday, September 7, 2018

Prevent _id from being populated by just one schema

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So I have the following schema:

var List = new Schema(     {         item_details_template: {             default: [                 {                     "title": "Name",                     "content": "",                     "hidden": false,                     "order": 0,                     "the_type": "text"                 },                 {                     "title": "Price",                     "content": "",                     "hidden": false,                     "order": 1,                     "the_type": "text"                 },                 {                     "title": "Company",                     "content": "",                     "hidden": false,                     "order": 2,                     "the_type": "text"                 }             ],             type: [Item_Detail]         }     } ) 

However, I don't want ONLY this schema (subdocument) to not create _id fields. How do I do this? I know you can change the original schema itself, but it's being used by other Schemas, where I would like the _id to be populated.

3 Answers

Answers 1

To suppress _id on the item_detail_template, you need to restructure the way you create subdocument as follows

var mongoose = require("mongoose");  var subSchema = mongoose.Schema({     //your subschema content },{ _id : false });  var schema = mongoose.Schema({     // schema content     subSchemaCollection : [subSchema] // item_details_template });  var model = mongoose.model('tablename', schema); 

Answers 2

If you want to suppress _id on the item_detail_template in the List schema only:

var List = new Schema(     {         item_details_template: {             _id:false, // should supress _id property             default: [             ... 

Answers 3

var widgetSchema = new Schema({ ... attributes ... }, { versionKey: false }); 
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