I am still on my chart, and I need to default close the level 2 & 3 nodes, and keep the expand/collapse function on click.
Depending on the node clicked and its level, run a specific action (change color for example). My link must be a value of my data object (var pubs in my codepen) as you can see bellow (level 0 has no link, "TOOLS" in my example) :
{ "name": "TOOLS", "children": [ { "name": "Localization", "url": "http://#", "children": [ {"name": "FRANCE", "url": "http://france.fr"} ...
Finaly another event listener on "mouseover" to do some styling on the node (closed or open) etc...
My current code : https://codepen.io/anon/pen/BqjJJv
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