Tuesday, October 16, 2018

componentOne windows flexgrid automation using CodedUI C#

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I have only compiled exe application which i need to automate. It has c1.win.c1flexgrid of ComponentOne as Grid. I am using CodedUI to automate this application.

When using Coded UI Record & Playback, it do not highlight or find any row or column but only outer body of this flexgrid which is grid name. If i try to get its children, it return zero whereas, i can see there are lot of rows and columns in this FlexGrid.

I tried to get current patterns of this control using AutomationElement object and it returned me following two patterns as mentioned below.

It has only two patterns implemented.

  1. LegacyIAccessiblePatternIdentifiers.Pattern
  2. ScrollPatternIdentifiers.Pattern

I would like to know how i can automate this type of grid which do not have implemented any other automation pattern and is third party control.

I will be thankful to you if you can share sample or directions.


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