Not sure if this is possible, but I need to display a poster/background image in an MRSS feed where I am playing audio only, not sure if this can be done. As at the moment, when the player accesses this feed, it plays the audio, but with a black background. I am hoping to add an image there, but not sure what element to use. I have checked the MRSS specs here, but it doesn't look like they've been updated for a while and I cannot find how to add such a background image.
<item> <title>My Title</title> <link></link> <description>My Description</description> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <media:category>All</media:category> <media:category>Music</media:category> <media:content url="http://linktoaudiofile.mp3 language="en-us" medium="audio" isDefault="true"> <media:title type="plain">Title</media:title> <media:description type="html">Description</media:description> <media:thumbnail url="icon_large.png" /> <media:credit role="author" scheme="urn:ebu">Author</media:credit> <media:copyright url="coprightURL" /> </media:content> </item>
Any ideas? Thank you.
Happy to also understand if this can be done a different way, such as using a player with the element instead?
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