Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Rails Devise API - Login route responds with `You need to sign in or sign up before continuing.`

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I'm currently using Devise with my Rails API app to authenticate users using devise-jwt.

This is what my User model looks like:

class User < ApplicationRecord   devise :database_authenticatable,          :registerable,          :jwt_authenticatable,          jwt_revocation_strategy: JWTBlackList end 

And config/routes.rb is set up like this:

Rails.application.routes.draw do   devise_for :users,          path: '',          path_names: {            sign_in: 'login',            sign_out: 'logout',            registration: 'signup'          },          controllers: {            sessions: 'sessions',            registrations: 'registrations'          } end 

This is the sessions controller:

class SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController    private    def respond_with(resource, _opts = {})     render json: resource   end    def response_to_on_destroy     head :no_content   end end 

and the registrations controller:

class RegistrationsController < Devise::RegistrationsController   respond_to :json    def create     build_resource(sign_up_params)     render_resource(resource)   end end 

I ran some Rspec tests shown below which were successful -

require 'rails_helper'  RSpec.describe SessionsController, type: :request do   let(:user) { create(:user) }   let(:url) { '/login' }   let(:params) do     {       user: {         email:,         password: user.password       }     }   end    context 'when params are correct' do     before do       post url, params: params     end      it 'returns 200' do       expect(response).to have_http_status(200)     end      it 'returns JTW token in authorization header' do       expect(response.headers['Authorization']).to be_present     end      it 'returns valid JWT token' do       decoded_token = decoded_jwt_token_from_response(response)       expect(decoded_token.first['sub']).to be_present     end   end end 

But when I run the following POST request to /login on Postman I get the following message:

postman request

On the right hand side you are able to see the rails console and server, showing the credentials are correct, but still we get 401

Any clues on what might be wrong? It's been difficult finding good resources on Devise using Rails API.

Thank you in advance

1 Answers

Answers 1

After digging through the SessionsController I found the reason it returned 401: warden was trying to authenticate an empty body. Fixed this by added Content-Type to the request header

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