I have been developing an Android home app using Android Studio. The app is kind of special app, I need to modify the android device with adb shell commands before installing the apk file. In order to archive this, I wrote a gradle task in build.gradle file, then execute a bash script file. This approach is fine except when only one device is connected.
However when multiple android devices are connected, the shell script does not work because I can not specify the android device id.
The question is how I can get the android device id in build.gralde file using Android Studio?
task clearHome(type: Exec) { Properties properties = new Properties() properties.load(project.rootProject.file('local.properties').newDataInputStream()) def sdkDir = properties.getProperty('sdk.dir') // I'd like to know <android device id> that I selected using Android Stdio. commandLine file('../beforeInstall.sh').absolutePath, sdkDir <android device id> } tasks.withType(JavaCompile) { compileTask -> compileTask.dependsOn clearHome }
#!/bin/bash ADB=$1/platform-tools/adb ADB_SHELL="$ADB -s $2 shell" $ADB_SHELL pm enable com.android.launcher $ADB_SHELL am start -n com.android.launcher/com.android.launcher2.Launcher
1 Answers
Answers 1
Not sure if i understood the problem, but if you're running the gradle script by command line, you can always pass a property to it.. ie:
gradle somegradletask -P**propertyDeviceId=123456789**
You just need to get the Id from the adb shell first, pass it on to the gradle script. Then, inside the gradle script use the propertyDeviceId
androidDeviceId = propertyDevicecId; commandLine file('../beforeInstall.sh').absolutePath, sdkDir <androidDeviceId>
Happy Coding (or hacking) ;)
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