I need to export a hidden class through a SDK Add-On in Android Lollipop. I'm able to export non-hidden classes. After unsuccessfully trying the "usual way" I thought the problem was due to the @hide tag. So I decided to try the "dirty" way of getting rid of the @hide keyword responsible to hide the class (even if that would obviously break compatibility with the standard API). After removing the @hide keyword and building the class with #include(BUILD_JAVA_LIBRARY) in Android.mk, the Java library Jar file is empty. So I have two questions:
- Why the Jar file is empty even if the DEX file includes the class?
- How do I achieve the same result without removing the @hide keyword?
Thank you.
Note: I have used these resources as references/documentation: http://elinux.org/images/5/5c/Build_and_Distributing_SDK_Add-Ons.pdf https://newcircle.com/s/post/1571/exploring_sdk_add_ons_for_android_devices_larry_schiefer_video
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