Sunday, April 24, 2016

React and Able to get initial data - but view doesn't update when a new post comes in

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Not sure if the issue is how I have my sockets setup - or if I am incorrectly trying to render the data with React.

I can successfully pull in data with my socket - yet it doesn't live update state when new data is posted to the server. My intention is for the state in React to automatically render new data, which is always live because of the socket connection.

Here is my client app that gets messages from the server and renders them:

var Chat = React.createClass({   getInitialState: function() {     return {       messages: null     }   },   componentWillMount: function(){     var self = this;     socket.emit('getMessages');     socket.on('serverMessages', function (data) {       self.setState({messages: data})     });   },   render: function() {     var messages = this.state.messages ? <MessageList messages={this.state.messages}/> : null     return (       <div className="jumbotron">         { messages }         <MessageForm submitMessage={this.submitMessage}/>       </div>       );   } }); 

Just in case here is my server code that emits data:

io.on('connection', function (socket) {    socket.on('getMessages', function (data) {     Message.find(function(err, messages){       socket.emit('serverMessages', messages);     })   });  }); 

4 Answers

Answers 1

Try this:

var Chat = React.createClass({   getInitialState: function() {     return {       messages: null     }   },   componentWillMount: function(){     var self = this;     socket.emit('getMessages');     socket.on('serverMessages', function (data) {       self.setState({messages: data})     });   },   render: function() {     var messages = this.state.messages ? <MessageList messages={this.state.messages}/> : null     return (       <div className="jumbotron">         { messages }         <MessageForm submitMessage={this.submitMessage}/>       </div>       );   } }); 

Answers 2

Your server code is only firing upon initial socket connection.


socket.on('getMessages', function (data) {   Message.find(function(err, messages){     socket.emit('serverMessages', messages);   }) }); 


var Chat = React.createClass({   getInitialState: function() {     return {       messages: null     }   },   componentWillMount: function(){     var self = this;     socket.emit('getMessages');     socket.on('serverMessages', function (data) {       self.setState({messages: data})     });   },   render: function() {     var messages = this.state.messages ? <MessageList messages={this.state.messages}/> : null     return (       <div className="jumbotron">         { messages }       </div>       );   } }); 

Based on naming convention, it also appears that your Message.find() is pulling a single message. I would recommend clarifying the labeling to match cardinality.

Answers 3

As of right now, you're "just" grabbing data from the server once the component has been loaded. To get something a bit more "real time" you'll want to either ping the server with the same emit statement you specified regularly (which defeats the point of using websockets, really, you could use long-polling) or have the server regularly send new data to all clients.

You can do EITHER:

A) Client side: "Polling" for information [Not Ideal]

Note: I initially put this in my answer because I saw the OP was "polling" when the controller was loaded. I didn't click on that this might be because the controller may not be loaded with the websocket so sending data on connect might not work here. My bad.

Replace socket.emit('getMessages') with something that will "poll" the websocket regularly for data:

setInterval(function () {     socket.emit('getMessages') }, 10000); /* Request data from the socket every 10 seconds */ 


B) Server side: Send new data as it becomes available. [Best Way]

Track all clients via a clients array and delete them from it when their session ends.

var clients = [];  io.on('connection', function (socket) {     clients.push(socket);      socket.on('end', function () {         // Could also splice the array below, but it still works.         delete clients[clients.indexOf(socket)];     });       /* Previous logic for server goes here */ }); 

Run this code when you need to push new messages from the database/data storage:

for (var i in clients) {     clients[i].emit('serverMessages', /* messages object */); } 

Answers 4

Could it be possible its due to the componentWillMount lifecycle method? Could you try the componentDidMount instead.

It looks like render will see the state update but only gets executed once despite the state change according to facebook.

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