Thursday, April 21, 2016

Apple developer - Invalid CSR, Invalid Certificate

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I generate .certSigningRequest file via Keychain Access (Keychain Access -> Certificate Assistant -> Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority..., I fill in my mail and I save it to disk).

When I log into Apple developer account and try to generate Certificate with it I get message: "Invalid CSR - Invalid Certificate"

enter image description here

What is reason for this? Why this message appears, what could be wrong?

I've seen several StackOverflow questions like this: iPhone Developer Portal won't accept my CSR and I haven't found solution:

  • I tried downloading WWDR certificate
  • I'm using Safari (but button works)
  • there is only one developer certificate on account...

2 Answers

Answers 1

Try to delete an apple WWDR(World Wide Developer Relation) certificate expiring on February 14, 2016 from your keychain (if you got one on your system), this can be found in the login tab. Then download the updated CSR from apple, can be found here- Restart xCode and you will be able to regenerate a CSR normaly, deleting this expired certificate made tons of bugs in the developers tools, I hope this will help you.

Answers 2

The command below should print the contents of the Certificate Signing Request

openssl req -in certSigningRequest -text 

If the command is not able to decode the CSR it means it was not properly generated. You might want to inspect the file with a text editor to tr to find clues about why the CSR generation failed

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