Thursday, April 21, 2016

AWS Mobile iOS SDK not building AWSCognitoSyncService correctly (fails)

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This was building previously but isn't anymore. I updated cocoapods and pulled new data in with pod update but still can't build my iOS 9.0 app anymore:

/Users/cdub/Developer/AppName/Pods/Headers/Public/ AWSCognito/AWSCognitoSyncService.h:198:4:  Type arguments cannot be applied to non-parameterized class 'AWSTask' 

Why is this happening?

1 Answers

Answers 1

The version of AWSCore and AWSCognito need to match. It looks like your AWSCognito is newer than AWSCore. How did you get AWSCognito and AWSCore? Both through CocoaPods? You need to use pod update when updating the pods instead of pod install.

If you keep encountering the issue, you should delete Podfile.lock and Pods/ and then run pod install to cleanly install the SDK. AWS Mobile SDK iOS Developer Guide has more information about how to setup the SDK.

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