Wednesday, April 13, 2016

How to leave iisexpress running after stopping debugging in Visual Studio 2015 Update 2?

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Previously this could be done by unchecking "Enable Edit and Continue" under (Project) Properties | Web | Debuggers. This checkbox is not there in Visual Studio 2015 Update 2. The same checkbox including four sub-options can be found in Options | Debugging | General, but unchecking this no longer resolves the issue.

3 Answers

Answers 1

Same problem here.

My workaround for now is to add "Detach all" shortcut on the toolbar instead of the "stop" button.

Answers 2

Not a fantastic answer, but a workaround.

  1. Select your Web App in Solution Explorer, then press F4 to see the properties pane. In there, ensure 'Always Start When Debugging' is set to true.
  2. If you have another IIS Express Web App in the same solution, do the same for that.
  3. If you don't have another IIS Express Web App then create a minimal .Net web app without any code using the File New templates and set 'Always Start When Debugging' to true for that too.
  4. Here is the trick, right click on the Web App project in Solution Explorer that you don't want to leave running (the one in step 2 or 3) and select 'Set as StartUp Project'.
  5. Run your solution as usual, you'll get both of your Web Apps running. When you exit, it only detaches and halts the startup project which leaves your main app running.

Obviously a bug if they can leave the other Web App running. But at least this workaround will make debugging a little easier.

Answers 3

Maybe this is not the answer to the OP question, but I use the "view in browser" option to achieve this.

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