Wednesday, August 24, 2016

hive auto increment after certain number

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I have a to insert data into a target table where all columns should be populated from different source tables except the surrogate key column; which should be maximum value of the target table plus auto increment value starting 1. I can generate auto increment value by using row_number() function, but in the same query how should I get the max value of surrogate key from target table. Is there any concept in HIVE where I can select the max value of surrogate key and save it in a temporary variable? Or is there any other simple way to achieve this result?

1 Answers

Answers 1

Here are two approaches which worked for me for the above problem. ( explained with example)

Approach 1: getting the max and setting to hive commands through ${hiveconf} variable using shell script

Approach 2: using row_sequence(), max() and join operations

My Environment:

hadoop-2.6.0 apache-hive-2.0.0-bin 

Steps: (note: step 1 and step 2 are common for both approaches. Starting from step 3 , it differs for both)

Step 1: create source and target tables


hive>create table source_table1(string name); hive>create table source_table2(string name); hive>create table source_table2(string name); 


hive>create table target_table(int id,string name); 

Step 2: load data into source tables

hive>load data local inpath 'source_table1.txt' into table source_table1; hive>load data local inpath 'source_table2.txt' into table source_table2; hive>load data local inpath 'source_table3.txt' into table source_table3; 

Sample Input:


a b c 


d e f 


g h i 

Approach 1:

Step 3: create a shell script

#!/bin/sh hive -e 'select max(id) from target_table' > max.txt wait value=`cat max.txt` hive --hiveconf mx=$value -e "add jar /home/apache-hive-2.0.0-bin/lib/hive-contrib-2.0.0.jar; create temporary function row_sequence as 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.udf.UDFRowSequence'; set mx; set hiveconf:mx; INSERT INTO TABLE target_table SELECT row_sequence(),name from source_table1; INSERT INTO TABLE target_table SELECT (\${hiveconf:mx} +row_sequence()),name from source_table2; INSERT INTO TABLE target_table SELECT (\${hiveconf:mx} +row_sequence()),name from source_table3;" wait hive -e "select * from target_table;" 

Step 4: run the shell script

 > bash  

Approach 2:

Step 3: Add Jar

    hive>add jar /home/apache-hive-2.0.0-bin/lib/hive-contrib-2.0.0.jar; 

Step 4: register row_sequence function with help of hive contrib jar

hive>create temporary function row_sequence as 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.udf.UDFRowSequence'; 

Step 5: load the source_table1 to target_table

hive>INSERT INTO TABLE target_table select row_sequence(),name from source_table1; 

Step 6: load the other sources to target_table

  hive>INSERT INTO TABLE target_table SELECT M.rowcount+row_sequence(), from source_table2 T join (select max(id) as rowcount from target_table) M;    hive>INSERT INTO TABLE target_table SELECT  M.rowcount+row_sequence(), from source_table3 T join (select max(id) as rowcount from target_table) M; 


INFO  : OK +---------------+-----------------+--+ |  |   +---------------+-----------------+--+ | 1                | a               | | 2                | b               | | 3                | c               | | 4                | d               | | 5                | e               | | 6                | f               | | 7                | g               | | 8                | h               | | 9                | i               | 
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