Monday, January 30, 2017

Slack API - Attatchments from custom bot post as plain text

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I'm using Python 2.7 along with a python-slackclient. I have an attachment structure like so:

self.msg = {     "attachments": [         {             "fallback": "%s, %s" % (self.jiraIssueObj.fields.summary,,             "pretext": "Detail summary for %s" % self.jiraIssueObj,             "title": self.jiraIssueObj.fields.summary,             "title_link":,             "text": self.jiraIssueObj.fields.description[0:self.maxSummary],             "color": "#7CD197",             "mrkdwn_in": ["text", "pretext", "fields"]         }     ] } 


def Send(self):         if (self.msg):             slack_client.api_call("chat.postMessage",, text=self.msg, as_user=True)             self.msg = None 

However, when this posts, it just posts the plaintext, with no formatting:

{"attachments": [{"title": "Upgrade Grafana to 3.0", "color": "#7CD197 ", "text": "Hey guys, I\u2019ve added the JIRA maillist so this email will create a ticket we can queue it up in support.\u00a0 Eric if you wouldn\u2019t mind just replying to this email with the additional info?\n\n\u00a0\n\n\u00a0\n\nSent: Thursday, August 25, 2016 11:41 AM\n", "title_link": "", "mrkdwn_in": ["text", "pretext", "fields"], "pretext": "Detail summary for ops-164", "fallback": "Upgrade Grafana to 3.0,"}]}

What am I doing wrong? I've tried also doing attachments=self.msg in the Send() call, but I get no output at all to my slack channel when doing that.

2 Answers

Answers 1

As it turns out, the call to

slack_client.api_call("chat.postMessage",, attachments=self.msg, as_user=True) 

apears to add the top layer { "attachments": ... } for you. So by changing my self.msg to simply be:

self.format = [                     {                         "fallback": "%s, %s" % (self.jiraIssueObj.fields.summary,,                         "pretext": "Detail summary for %s" % self.jiraIssueObj,                         "title": self.jiraIssueObj.fields.summary,                         "title_link":,                         "text": self.jiraIssueObj.fields.description[0:self.maxSummary],                         #"color": "#7CD197",                         "mrkdwn_in": ["text", "pretext", "fields"]                     }                 ] 

without this outer { "attachments": ... } wrapper, the api was able to post the message attachment as expected.

Answers 2

The chat.postMessage method has a couple of quirks -- like most of Slack's web APIs, it only supports application/x-www-form-urlencoded content-types, and does not support JSON. The quirkier aspect is that the attachments parameter takes a URL-encoded array of JSON. Right now, it appears you're sending the text parameter a native Python array.

For Slack to understand that structure, you'll first need to turn it into a JSON string. The API wrapper you're using can probably handle the next step of conversion into a URL-encoded representation.

Finally, the attachment itself doesn't get placed in the text of the message -- that's a separate field. You'll want to specify something more like this, after defining your JSON string as self.attachments:

slack_client.api_call("chat.postMessage",, attachments=self.attachments, as_user=True)

The text field becomes optional once you include attachments.

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