Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Gulp build task failing inside docker

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I have a simple Hapi.js Node API. Since I have used TypeScript to write the API, I wrote Gulp task for transpiling the code. My API works fine if I run it directly in my main machine but I get the following error when I try to run it inside Docker:

Error: enter image description here

Docker compose command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up -d --build 

Here is my code: ./gulpfile:

'use strict';  const gulp = require('gulp'); const rimraf = require('gulp-rimraf'); const tslint = require('gulp-tslint'); const mocha = require('gulp-mocha'); const shell = require('gulp-shell'); const env = require('gulp-env');  /**  * Remove build directory.  */ gulp.task('clean', function () {   return gulp.src(outDir, { read: false })     .pipe(rimraf()); });  /**  * Lint all custom TypeScript files.  */ gulp.task('tslint', () => {   return gulp.src('src/**/*.ts')     .pipe(tslint({       formatter: 'prose'     }))     .pipe(tslint.report()); });  /**  * Compile TypeScript.  */  function compileTS(args, cb) {   return exec(tscCmd + args, (err, stdout, stderr) => {     console.log(stdout);      if (stderr) {       console.log(stderr);     }     cb(err);   }); }  gulp.task('compile', shell.task([   'npm run tsc', ]))  /**  * Watch for changes in TypeScript  */ gulp.task('watch', shell.task([   'npm run tsc-watch', ])) /**  * Copy config files  */ gulp.task('configs', (cb) => {   return gulp.src("src/configurations/*.json")     .pipe(gulp.dest('./build/src/configurations')); });  /**  * Build the project.  */ gulp.task('build', ['tslint', 'compile', 'configs'], () => {   console.log('Building the project ...'); });  /**  * Run tests.  */ gulp.task('test', ['build'], (cb) => {   const envs = env.set({     NODE_ENV: 'test'   });    gulp.src(['build/test/**/*.js'])     .pipe(envs)     .pipe(mocha({ exit: true }))     .once('error', (error) => {       console.log(error);       process.exit(1);     }); });  gulp.task('default', ['build']); 


FROM node:latest  LABEL author="Saurabh Palatkar"  # create a specific user to run this container # RUN adduser -S -D user-app  # add files to container ADD . /app  # specify the working directory WORKDIR app RUN chmod -R 777 . RUN npm i gulp --g # build process RUN npm install # RUN ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node RUN npm run build # RUN npm prune --production EXPOSE 8080 # run application CMD ["npm", "start"] 


version: "3.4"  services:   api:     image: node-api     build:       context: .       dockerfile: .docker/dev.dockerfile     environment:       PORT: 8080       MONGO_URL: mongodb:27017       NODE_ENV: development     ports:       - "8080:8080"     links:       - database    database:     image: mongo:latest     ports:       - "27017:27017" 

What I am missing here?

1 Answers

Answers 1

Each Dockerfile's command is executed in a separated subcontainer, so RUN npm run build can't find the gulp executable. Try to edit you Dockerfile to execute npm-related commands in the same subcontainer:

RUN npm i gulp --g && npm install && ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node && npm prune --production 

Maybe you also need to copy app files into the container.

Try adding:

COPY . . 

just before CMD ["npm", "start"] in your Dockerfile

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